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My good friend from CA. called last night and it seems he went snow boarding. Being a novice to the sport he fell about 30 times & broke a rib.He is one more wild and crazy person so I was extremely happy he didn't break his neck. It seems a woman in CA. put a hit contract out over Craigslist to kill some woman. she offered $5,000. and gave the woman's name, work address, age & weight. She's in jail this morning, LOL. Boy, how dumb can you get? Well, our power went off around 1am. It's a good thing I keep it too warm in here (for Johnny) because it was off several hours. My air purifier kicking back on woke me up in the early morning hours. Have a beautiful Sunday and remember to chill, relax, and de-stress. This is a formula I have to use constantly....I'm having a big test Tuesday so I got to go cram!!! Then the stress will come back, LOL.
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