this is no paste /copy bs --Sarah smoked pot and admitted she was not pulling a Bill Clinton (saying she did inhale) and 9 subpoenas coming down about TROOPERGATE / family affair where she cuts ur throat if u are on the bad side of the FAMILY--give me a break-- she is SO unprepared and such an idiot for politics --worst than this dam storm hitting the AMERICA --it's shit , and also saying she was with RUSSIA on invading Georgia or other democratic countries, oh, my God, give me a damn break--people are goin' rise up and form a revolution one of these days over this good ole GOP TAKIN' all OUR money and givin' it to big business, taking from the poor, getting richer everyday , it's horrible how they take and take and give to the BIG BUSINESS -
I'm personally sick of the weak , lopped earred, stupid McCain/Palin--she is PALE to me
the rebuttal is alway THE DEMOCRATS WILL RAISE OUR TAXES --well, hell yeah after BUSH spent billions in Iraq--someone has to pay for BUSH's ingnorance to invade on a country who has yet to be proven w/MASS DESTRUCTION ---but we are so safe today, y' reckon??
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