Thursday, March 5, 2009

Death of a Neighbor...a southern boy although an old man

This relates to my neighbor Sam who was a Georgia boy and passed at 58 yrs. of age Jan. 31

Death of a Neighbor

The sun rose with a gloomy, groaning grunt on that day,

Why this happened, I cannot say.

An explosion in the air I could not quite detect,

Corners brought chills I knew not what was next.

The winter had been dark, hungry and harsh.

Life continued but seemed like such a farce.

The dogs were barking looking to the right,

The death of a neighbor sometime in the night.

Two, no three days came and they went,

Continously barking of the dogs until they were spent,

The death wagon came but did not stop for Johnny or me,

It went to the right, my neighbor is free.


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