Friday, December 14, 2007

how can i make my husband wear a diaper for xmas--he's got diaherra

no smart ass answers-am havin' a nervous break--some of u know from 360 that i have been his only caretaker since 06-07-05 from a cerebral hemmorage--and ppl say u Mofo's are old --and nasty--i am a christain most of the time--he is 47 and God Forbid he smoked crystal meth--stroked him out--on top off it all he broke his hip--had hardware(screws & plates) put in--on Dec. 3rd had them removed 'cause his bones are soft--been getting up like 3 times a nite --lifting him outta bed--in wheel chair , taking him to bathroom--no results-but he thinks he gotta go--he has a lot of pride-this man--- all his life been a sheet-rock hanger and framer--do not want a damn thing of u ppl. --got removed from one ass hole for posting too much and never, never told any of my personal bus.--just sick and tired of --actually me--sitting here and try to stay pos. but hey what can i say? listen to some of my videos................and the one who said i adore u and u so funny but i get 6 posts a day fr. u --KIss My ASS--i get 100 a day from Frank but would never remove him --that ass doesn't even know me with his transparent futile empty Freddy Hugs--and that was my Daddy's name who was actually a good man

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