Sunday, August 3, 2008

A Poem I Found-Vision

I thought this was just beautiful and simple

Poem of the Week

July 21-27, 2008

Selected by Joe Horn


      by Jessie B. Rittenhouse

    I came to the mountains for beauty
    And I find here the toiling folk,
    On sparse little farms in the valleys,
    Wearing their days like a yoke.

    White clouds fill the valleys at morning,
    They are round as great billows at sea,
    And roll themselves up to the hill-tops
    Still round as great billows can be.

    The mists fill the valleys at evening,
    They are blue as the smoke in the fall,
    And spread all the hills with a tenuous scarf
    That touches the hills not at all.

    These lone folk have looked on them daily,
    Yet I see in their faces no light.
    Oh, how can I show them the mountains
    That are round them by day and by night?

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